PFAS in eggs? Rest assured: Kasper Faunafood's chicken feed is by no means the source.
PFAS in eggs? Rest assured: Kasper Faunafood's chicken feed is by no means the source.
We can reassure everyone that Kasper Faunafood feeds are safe.
Only certified raw materials that are also used in feeds for professional livestock farms are used in Kasper Faunafood feeds. Feeds for hobby chickens therefore contain the same quality as those for chickens laying supermarket eggs. This does not make hobby poultry feed any riskier!
Kasper Faunafood feeds are produced in accordance with the GMP+ quality assurance system. Control of quality and food safety takes place throughout the chain, for which various monitoring programmes are active.
If PFAS is detected in eggs, it is due to soil or water contamination.
Knowledge, legislation and measurement methods related to PFAS is rapidly developing. Plant-based feeds such as those used in Kasper Faunafood's hobby animal feeds have been classified as non-risky by Secure Feed. Read more about securefeed at www.securefeed.be