The lambs are born, what is the best food to give them now?

For the first few days, newborn lambs only drink milk from their mothers. Then they carefully start eating solid food, such as pasture grass. It is then important that the rumen in which grass and hay must be digested (actually we should say 'fermented by the rumen flora') develops properly. For this purpose, it is important that the lambs have access to unlimited tasty concentrates, so that the rumen function is carefully but properly developed. 
Voeding pas geboren lammetjes

Kasper Faunafood has 2 products in its range for lambs: a pellet and a muesli. The Lammerenkorrel is a well-balanced pellet for a good feed intake and growth of young lambs. It also contains a natural oregano extract that provides support in the area of (intestinal) health.

The Sheep and lamb muesli is also a very suitable product to feed to young lambs. It contains vanilla flavouring which makes the muesli extra attractive and contributes to good absorption. The Sheep and lamb muesli contains Lucerne chaff and is rich in dried beet pulp and oat hulls. These ingredients contain a lot of fibre and ensure that lambs have to ruminate well and contribute to the development of a healthy rumen. Together with the vitamin and mineral pellets, the easily digestible barley and maize flakes make this mixture a balanced, healthy muesli for lambs.

Kasper Faunafood

Postbus 30
3440 AA Woerden

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