Privacy Policy

Privacy policy last updated on: 01.01.2022

For us at Arie Blok BV, the privacy and the protection of the privacy of everyone whose personal data we process is extremely important. The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you as a customer, supplier and visitor of this website about how we take care of your personal data and what we do with your data.

1 Who is the data controller for processing your data?

Arie Blok BV, having its registered office at Leidekkersweg 2A, 3449 JH Woerden, registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce under CoC number 30133415, is the data controller as described in this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as ‘Arie Blok’ or ‘data controller’.

A data protection officer has been appointed within the group of companies to which Arie Blok belongs. This person is responsible for monitoring the protection of your personal data. You can contact the data protection officer via

2 Which of the personal data of customers, prospects and end users/consumers do we process?

Customers and prospects

Which personal data?

First of all, we may collect the following data: company name, initials, first name, surname, gender, address (street, house number, post code, city, country), mobile (telephone number), e-mail address, language, business unit, type of customer (retail, wholesale, etc.), Chamber of Commerce number, VAT number, fax number, company data (species, size, number of animals, etc.), IBAN number, BIC number, and purchase data. We may collect the name, position, department, mobile (telephone number) and e-mail address of company contact persons.

We have obtained the above data:

From you, through sales calls, (order) forms, contracts, invoices, through our website, or commercial promotions;

Through your website, leaflets, etc.;

Via publicly available data [such as data from the Trade Register (CoC) and Creditsafe]

Through other companies in the group, to which Arie Blok belongs. You can find out which companies they are at

For what purposes do we process this data?

In the first place, we use your details to ensure that our business relationship runs smoothly and that the commitments entered into are fulfilled properly. In concrete terms, this means that we use them, among other things, for maintaining prospect and customer administration, organising and following up visits and appointments, answering questions, drawing up and sending quotations and invoices and communicating about them, processing orders, planning and executing deliveries and communicating about them, and conducting accounts receivable management (following up outstanding invoices, sending reminders, etc.). We carry out this processing because it is necessary in order to fulfil our agreement with you. We maintain records and manage accounts receivable based on our legitimate interests.

In addition, we regularly send emails to our customers (dealers and distributors) with, among other things, the prices of our products, price changes (e.g. due to a change in the prices of raw materials), announcements of promotions that we run (e.g. 3+1 free of charge, etc.), and a copy of the newsletters that are sent to end customers/consumers who have subscribed to the same. We do this because it is required for the performance of our agreement with you, and because it allows you, among other things, to place informed orders (you are aware of what the current price is) and to answer any questions that your own (end) customers may have about a newsletter they have received.

Thirdly, we may also process your data in order to comply with our legal obligations arising under, among other things, tax, accounting and food safety legislation (traceability obligation for animal feed).

Based on our legitimate interest, we may use your data for prospecting purposes and to contact you about our products and/or services which we think you may be interested in, for example because they are complementary to products which you have already purchased from us or one of the companies of the group Arvesta.

We also process your data to analyse which products you have purchased and the products/services you may be interested in, in order to customise our range and adjust our communications to you. We also carry out (statistical) analyses to improve our operations, services and products. We do this on the basis of our legitimate interest.

How long do we keep your data?

We do not retain the data for longer than is necessary for the above purposes. As soon as your data is no longer needed, it will be deleted.

End users/consumers

Which personal data?

We may process the following data concerning end users/consumers of products: name, gender, address, post code, city, country, (mobile) phone number, e-mail address, satisfaction survey results, brand interest, overview of our promotions in which you participated, subscription/ unsubscription to electronic newsletters. Depending on the services you use, it is possible that we may not have all of the above information about you.

We may process the above data for the following purposes:

For sending electronic newsletters about one or more of our brands. You can subscribe to these newsletters via the websites of our various brands. The newsletters contain facts, invitations to events, information about our products, new promotions, etc. Newsletters are sent after obtaining your consent. This means that you have the option to revoke your consent at any time. We will maintain your newsletter subscription until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive newsletters. You can easily unsubscribe via the link at the bottom of the newsletters. In order to map out the overall effectiveness and scope of our newsletters and to provide you with more relevant newsletters, we also collect the following information in connection with our newsletters: date and time at which the newsletter was received and opened, links clicked on, etc.

To send you a satisfaction survey regarding our products and services by email. We do this based on our legitimate interest and to enable us to continuously improve our products and services.

To register for our promotions and to confirm and communicate your registration.

How long do we keep your data?

We do not retain the data for longer than is necessary for the above purposes. As soon as your data is no longer needed, it will be deleted.

3 What data do we collect from you as a supplier?

Which personal data?

We may collect the following information: (company) name, address, e-mail address, (mobile) phone number, IBAN number, BIC number, VAT number.

We have obtained the above data:

From you, through sales calls, (order) forms, contracts, invoices, through our website, or commercial promotions;

Through your website, leaflets, etc.;

Via publicly available data [such as data from the Trade Register (CoC) and Creditsafe]

Through other companies in the group, to which Arie Blok belongs. You can find out which companies they are at

For what purposes do we process this data?

In the first place, we use your details to ensure that our business relationship runs smoothly and that the commitments entered into are fulfilled properly. In concrete terms, this means that we use them, among other things, for maintaining a supplier administration, drawing up and sending out orders, receiving, processing and paying incoming invoices and communicating about the same. We carry out this processing because it is necessary in order to fulfil our agreement with you.

Secondly, we may also process your data in order to comply with our legal obligations under tax, accounting and food safety legislation, among others.

How long do we keep your data?

We do not retain the data for longer than is necessary for the above purposes. Your data will be immediately deleted as soon as the need for the same no longer exists.

4 What data do we collect via our website?

This section explains which personal data we may process about you via the website, for what purpose we do so, as well as the legal grounds for the same. In addition, we also state how long we store this data.

Contact form

You can contact us via our website using the online contact form. If you do so, we will collect details of your first name, surname, e-mail address and the question you have asked or any other comment. We have a legitimate interest in collecting the information you provide, in order to respond to your message. We will not store this data for any longer than necessary to answer your questions or provide you with the requested information.


You can register to receive emails with information about our products, our events, tips, advice, etc. through the website. To subscribe your name to the newsletter, we collect your email address and the language in which you want to receive the newsletters. Newsletters are only sent after obtaining your consent.

You can notify us at any time that you no longer wish to receive such newsletters. The procedure for the same shall be found under heading 7.


We regularly organise events, and you can register for the same via the website. By default, we collect your first name, surname and your e-mail address for such registration. We use this information to process your registration for the event, to confirm your registration, to inform you about the event and, if necessary, to answer any questions you may have. Your data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the above purposes.

5 Do we transfer or sell your data?

Under no circumstances do we sell your data to third parties.However, we may share your data with the following, in order to provide our services, and in connection with the aforementioned processing purposes:

Service providers who process your personal data on our behalf and on our instructions (such as data centres, IT service providers, administrative service providers, printers, mailing agencies, website builders, etc.). We have concluded agreements with these parties so that the protection of your data is guaranteed;

The companies of the Arvesta group, to which we also belong. You can read which companies are part of Arvesta at Such transfer serves to centralise the customer and supplier administration and for prospecting purposes. With regard to the latter, these companies may use your data for prospecting purposes and to contact you about their products and/or services in respect of which they and/or we believe you may be interested, e.g. because they are complementary to products/services you already purchase from us. They may contact you about this. You have the right at all times to oppose this transfer of your data and its use by one or more of our group companies. You can read how to do this under heading 7;

Government and government agencies: to comply with our legal obligations. Only the data that are legally required to be communicated are shared.

Furthermore, in exceptional circumstances, disputes and other incidents can also lead to your personal data being shared with the police and other judicial bodies. Law firms, debt collection agencies, bailiffs, insurance companies or banks, among others, will also be able to gain access to some of your personal data when it is necessary for them to assist us in handling a file, or to execute projects, etc. Finally, in the context of a merger, acquisition, (partial) demerger or any other corporate transaction, we may also share and transfer your data with the third party (e.g. acquirer, absorbing company,...) involved in this corporate transaction. Also in a possible preliminary phase, we may share your data with the third party involved and/or their advisors as part of an investigation with regard to the (execution) of such transaction. In such case, we always ensure that we only transfer the data that is relevant and necessary for the investigation. We do this on the basis of the justified interest that the third party can use the obtained data to continue the business activities and the general operation of the company. Furthermore, the latter also makes it possible to continue current agreements with customers, suppliers, etc.

6 How do we secure your personal data?

We will take all the necessary steps to ensure protection of your personal data, physically, electronically as well as at the organisational level.

For example, we store the personal data provided by you in databases, information systems and servers that are only accessible to authorised personnel or contractors who have to access these data in order to process it for us. In addition, our personnel are informed about this privacy policy and about all the applicable internal guidelines that have been issued for the protection of your personal data. They are also obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.

7 How can you contact us to exercise your rights?

You have the right to demand inspection of your personal data free of charge at any time. You also have the right to delete or rectify incorrect, invalid, outdated or incomplete personal data. You also have the right, in certain cases, to request us to cease the use of your personal data for a specific type of processing.

Finally, you have the right to object to any particular processing of your personal data.

If you no longer wish to receive commercial e-mails or mail addressed personally to you, including newsletters, product information, news about the data controller, etc., you can easily unsubscribe from our mailing list. If you no longer wish to receive e-mails, you can unsubscribe via the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the e-mails. You may also contact us for unsubscribing from e-mails as well as personally addressed mail by using the e-mail address below

Please send your request by e-mail to or by post to the following address: Arie Blok BV, Post box 30, 3440 AA Woerden, Netherlands

Such request must contain the following: full name, address, e-mail address and a clear description of your request. Additional information may be requested in order to better understand the subject of your request or to confirm your identity in case of reasonable doubt.

If, in your opinion, we have not handled your request appropriately, please contact us according to the above information. If this does not produce the desired result, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority in the country in which you are residing. For Belgian customers, this is the Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit. For Dutch customers, this is the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. In France, this is La Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

8 Changes to this Policy

If we make any changes to this privacy policy, the amended policy will be published here with the date of revision stated at the top. If we make any significant changes to this Privacy Policy that change our privacy practices in a substantial way, we may also inform you of this in a different manner, e.g. by sending you an e-mail or publishing a statement on our website before the changes come into effect.

Kasper Faunafood

Leidekkersweg 2A
3449 JH Woerden

Postbus 30
3440 AA Woerden

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